ATK High Performance GM 383 Stroker 415 HP Stage 3 Long Block Crate Engines with EFI
ATK High Performance GM 383 Stroker 415 hp Stage 3 long block crate engines with EFI are designed for better drivability and trouble-free cold starts with no tuning required, regardless of elevation, driving habits, or part swap! Based around FiTech Self-Learning EFI systems, these engines come complete from throttle body down to the oil pan. The only thing you will need is to supply is the fuel system–in line, in tank, or the FiTech Fuel Command Center. They are dyno-tested with your EFI system and ready to go!
Typically ATK GM 383 Stroker 415 hp complete long blocks consist of:
* Seasoned OE block with 4-bolt mains
* Scat nodular iron crankshaft
* Scat I-beam connecting rods
* Hypereutectic pistons
* Chromoly piston rings
* Hydraulic roller camshaft
* ATK High Performance aluminum cylinder heads with 2.020 in. /1.600 ex. valves
* Billet roller rocker arms
* Timing set
* Oil pan, oil pump and pick-up tube
* Valve covers
* Flexplate
* Performance intake manifold
* Distributor HEI
* Long water pump
* Front damper
* FiTech Go EFI 4-600 hp
* Spark plugs and wires
* Dyno test/tune